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832-474-4440 Union Swivel & Flange

13840 Aston St., Houston, TX 77040

figure 1502

hammer union thread

We specialize in hammer unions and other connections for oilfield and industrial applications as well as flow line loops, swivels and pup joints.

figure 1502 <body id=


pipe thread Size: 1" ,2", 3", 4"
Pressure Ratings: 15,000 psi wp; 22,500 psi test pressure
Connections Type: NPT pipe line thread, tubing thread, butt weld
Included Parts: Nut, Male Sub, Female Sub, Seal Ring

Options : H2S Sour Service to NACE MR-01-75

Recommended uses
Cementing use, acidizing, testing, fracturing,and, hoses, qucik connects, and for choke and kill line

the Hammer Union Series 1502 Threaded Features
Replaceable, seal rings that offer a primary seal, protects the secondary metal by metal sea wich minimizes flow friction
also have Butt weld style available

Hammer Unions are fittings that are high-pressure threaded or welded syle connection they have two halves a threaded female half side and a wing male half side with a swivel nut that fit together the two piecs and seal upon turning and tighting on the seal ring / nitrile or viton seal availible you then hammer the nut half together with the threaded half and the fit together. these unions are also called "Weco style" the hammer unions come in sizes from 1/2" up to 10" and in pressures from 1,000 psi up to 20,000 psi. ourhammer unions are commonly used in oilfield and industrial applications to seal two pieces of pipe or low pressure or high pressure hose together by making a connection via threads or welds.

keep in mind the male side has the NUT and the female side has the external outside threads...this is a common mistake as most people think the female should have the nut.

just remember " the male has the nuts" just like Bulls!!